The Agents Club

#SSAWmagazine AW24 #OutSoon
Photography #CamilleVivier at Concrete Rep
Styling #LeopoldDuchemin at Artlist Paris
Casting Direction #ChouaïbArif
Make-up #PorschePoon
Hair #YumikoHikage at CLM
Photography Assistant Valentine Lacour
Styling Assistants Anna Castellano and Konstantinos Efstathiadis
Hair Assistant Miki Sato
Production Victoria Mancisidor at Concrete Rep and Shape Production
#AliceTemple wears calf skin double breasted navy coat
by #Loewe #jonathananderson
#SSAWmagazine AW24 #OutSoon Photography #CamilleVivier at Concrete Rep Styling #LeopoldDuchemin at Artlist Paris Casting Direction #ChouaïbArif Make-up #PorschePoon Hair #YumikoHikage at CLM Photography Assistant Valentine Lacour Styling Assistants Anna Castellano and Konstantinos Efstathiadis Hair Assistant Miki Sato Production Victoria Mancisidor at Concrete Rep and Shape Production #AliceTemple wears calf skin double breasted navy coat by #Loewe #jonathananderson
Chouaïb Arif
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