The Agents Club

@holidaymagazine, the New York Issue
Guest Edited by Camilla Nickerson
Photographed by Jack Day
Styled by @brian_molloy
Creative Direction @atelierfranckdurand
Casting rachel_chandler
Production @apstudioinc
Hair @jawaraw
Makeup @keita.moore
Starring @anokyai
Agent @dobedorepresents
Digit and Grading @granondigital
#jackday #holidaymagazine
@holidaymagazine, the New York Issue Guest Edited by Camilla Nickerson Photographed by Jack Day Styled by @brian_molloy Creative Direction @atelierfranckdurand Casting rachel_chandler Production @apstudioinc Hair @jawaraw Makeup @keita.moore Starring @anokyai Agent @dobedorepresents Digit and Grading @granondigital #jackday #holidaymagazine
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@holidaymagazine, the New York Issue