Coolest thing to ever
happen in our cove cyc✨🛹
Creative Concept: Duo Duo
Creative Direction: Marcos Botelho @marcos.h.botelho, Tess Roy @tessroy
Director: Brett Blackwell @brett.blackwell
Co-director: Ryan Lee @ryanree
Director of Photography: Sam Robinson @samrobinsondp
Photographer: Tobin Yelland @tobinyelland
1st AC: Kyle Stubbs @_kylestubbs
2nd AC / BTS video: Roy Link @roylink
Editing Company: @cabinedit
Editor: Sidney Williams @sid_m_w
Post Producer: Micayla Myles @micmyles
Producer: Alejandro Chaparro Jr. @alejandrochaparrojr
Colorist: Austin St. John @austinstjohn
Producer: Ashlyn Rudy @ashlynrudy