In honor of International Women’s Day, we’re spotlighting the talented women in our Style & Beauty Division who inspire us everyday.
Art Director —
Linda Gümüs-Gerritsen: @lindagumusgerritsen
Food Stylists —
Alison Attenborough: @attenborough_styling
Frances Boswell: francesboswell
Mariana Velasquez: @marianavelasquezv
Olivia Mack McCool: @oliviamackmccool
Susie Theodorou: @susietheodorou
Prop Stylists & Set Design —
Amy Elise Wilson: @aelisew
Domenica Agostino Leibowitz: @_domenica_studio_
Hayley Callander: @hayleycallander
Heather Greene: @heather_a_greene
Julie Russell: @thisbigplace
Lisa Lee: @lisalee_nyc
Julie Wilkinson & Joyanne Horscroft: @makeriestudio
Sally Morris Clark: @sallymorrisclark
Sophia Eleni Pappas: @sophiaelenipappas
Tara Holmes: @taraholmesstudio
Wardrobe Stylists —
Annie Caruso: @annie_caruso
Ashly Tsao: @ashlytsao
Heather Newberger
Kelly Hill: @kellyhillstylist
Shandi Alexander: @shandilatee
Shelley Young: @shelleymmyoung
Beauty —
Ashley Schultz: @artbyashleyrebecca
Autumn Suna: @autumn_suna
#lairdandgoodcompany #internationalwomensday